Purchase an Ad for the Wizard of Oz Program
The Christ Covenant School Theatre Department is excited to invite you to become a sponsor for our upcoming Spring production of The Wizard of Oz Youth Edition, taking place on April 25-26. By sponsoring our Theatre program, you have a fantastic opportunity to support the success of our students!
All submitted ads will be featured in the program as provided in black and white. If you’d like our marketing team to create a custom design for your ad, we offer this service for an additional fee of $50 per ad. Thank you for considering this chance to make a meaningful impact!
Ads need to be submitted in a jpg or png format to njones@ccs.ms
All Ads are due by Thursday March 20th
Ads Options
Mainstage Sponsor:
Full page black and white ad in the Program (1-4 pictures and a message)
Ensemble Sponsor:
½ page black and White ad in the program (1-2 pictures and message)
Backstage Sponsor:
¼ page black and white ad in program (1 picture and a short message)
Patron of the Arts:
Short message in the program up to 25 words
Friend of the Arts:
Name in program
Design My Ad for me
$50 fee to have the CCS Marketing Team design your ad for the program